When the Front End prints an Authorization Slip, Credit Slip, Pre-Auth Slip, PMS Charge Posting Slip, and ROA Slip (as defined in System Settings) or a Receipt or Order (as defined in System Devices), it uses the text that has been placed in the respective edit fields. In addition to literal text, these fields can contain "Pseudo-variables" that the Front End replaces with the appropriate information when printing. Receipt Pseudo-variables that contain dollar amounts are right justified to ten positions.
Variable | Description |
#ACQREFDATA | Acquiring Bank Reference Data. Used for internet credit card authorization slips. |
#ALTCOLOR | Prints the current line in the "Alternate Color". On dot matrix printers, the text is printed in red, and on a thermal printer it is represented as italic print. |
#AUTHAMOUNT | Amount of authorization (Credit Card transactions only). |
#AUTHCREDITAMT | Amount of the Credit Authorization |
#AUTHGRATAMT | The amount of the gratuity authorized by an over tender. If no over tender is applied when the check is settled, this will print as a line of underscores (_________). This allows a customer to write in the amount of the gratuity, and the employee can enter a Charge Tips transaction. |
#AUTHREFNO | Authorization Reference Number returned by the credit card processor that pertains to the credit card transaction. |
#AUTHRESPONSE | The authorization approval code returned by the credit card processor. |
#AUTHTOTALAMT | The amount of the check and gratuity authorized. If no over tender is applied when the check is settled, this will print as a line of underscores (_____). This allows a customer to write in the total amount of the sale, including gratuity. |
#BELL | This will trigger the "bell" on the printer. Note that the printer must be equipped with an "Epson POS Printer Audio Enunciator", Epson P/ N 160370 |
#BGCINFO | Displays the Bank Issued Gift Card's balance. If no Bank Issued Gift Card is used, nothing will print. |
#CARDEXPDATE | Credit card expiration date (for credit card transactions only) |
#CARDNAME | Name that appears in Track 1 of the credit card if it was swiped using an MSR (for credit card transactions only). This pseudo-variable can only be used on auth slips. |
#CARDNUMBER | Credit card number (for credit card transactions only). |
#CARDTYPE | Credit card type (for credit card transactions only). |
#CENTERLINE | Text printed on this line of the receipt will be centered horizontal across the receipt paper. |
#CHANGEDUE | Prints the amount of change that is due from the current sale. This pseudo-variable is used for situations where the standard header/footer is not or cannot be utilized, but need to see the change due amount on the receipt. |
#CHECKAMOUNT | The check/sale total. |
#CHECKBARCODE | Prints a barcode that uniquely identifies the current check. This is used in conjunction with a scanner to allow a cashier to retrieve a check much more quickly than if they had to enter the check number or select it from a list. Note that for this pseudo-variable to work correctly it must be on a line by itself. |
#CHECKDESCRIPTION | The description of the current check. This can be edited by a button with the "Enter Check Description" function (see Button Maintenance.) |
#CHECKENDDATE | End Date of the sale. (Note that this is only valid when reprinting the closed check.) |
#CHECKENDTIME | End Time of the sale. (Note that this is only valid when reprinting the closed check.) |
#CHECKINGREDIENTS | Prints the ingredients for the items listed. |
#CHECKNUM3 | Last three digits of the Check/Sale number. |
#CHECKNUM5 | The last five digits of the check number, padded with zeros. |
#CHECKNUM12 | Allows a check number to be twelve digits in length. |
#CHECKNUMBER | Check/Sale Number. |
#CHECKQRCODE | Dual purpose QR code allows check information to be retrieved when scanned from the Front End, and also allows the programming of URLs, personalized text, or a combination of the two to be in the QR code. Users can scan the QR code to be sent to the URL. There is a limit of 128 characters. |
#CHECKSTARTDATE | Start Date of the sale. |
#CHECKSTARTEDEMPFNAME | Prints the first name of the employee who started the sale. |
#CHECKSTARTEDEMPLINITIAL | Prints the initial of the last name of the employee who started the sale. |
#CHECKSTARTEDEMPNAME | Prints the first and last name of the employee who started the sale. |
#CHECKSTARTEDEMPNUMBER | Prints the employee number of the employee who started the sale. |
#CHECKSTARTEDEMPUSERDATA | Prints the user data of the employee who started the sale. |
#CHECKSTARTTIME | The start time of the sale. |
#CHECKTOTAL | Displays the total amount of the sale |
#CHKENDDATEMMDDYY | The check end date in MMDDYY format. This will only show if the check is reprinted after it has already been closed. |
#CHKNUMWSPLIT | The check number with a “split” number on the end. Used only by Euro CC. |
#CHKSTARTDATEMMDDYY | The check start date in MMDDYY format. |
#CREDITCARDBALANCE | The remaining balance of the credit card payment type used. System Settings > Allow Partial Authorizations must be enabled to use this pseudo-variable. |
#CREDITENTRYMODE | The entry mode of the credit card. |
#CREDITMERCHANTID | The processor's merchant ID. |
#CREDITTERMINALID | The processor's terminal ID. |
#CURDATEMMDDYY | The current date in MMDDYY format. |
#CURREMPNAME | Prints the First and Last Name of the employee who is currently Signed On to the Front End. |
#CURREMPNUMBER | Prints the Employee Number of the employee who is currently Signed On to the Front End. |
#CURRENTDATE | Today's Date. |
#CURRENTTIME | Current Time. |
#CUSTOMERAVAILABLE | The amount of available credit remaining for the customer associated with the check. |
#CUSTOMERBALANCE | If the check has an associated customer, the customer's store charge balance. |
#CUSTOMERCITY | If the check has an associated customer, the customer's city. |
#CUSTOMERCOMPANY | If the check has an associated customer, the company the customer works for. |
#CUSTOMEREMAIL | If the check has an associated customer, the customer's e-mail address. |
#CUSTOMERCOMMENTS | If the check has an associated customer, any comments entered in the Comments field in Customer Maintenance. |
#CUSTOMERCOUNT | Number of customers on the check. |
#CUSTOMERDELIVERYZONE | If the check has an associated customer, the delivery zone of the customer. |
#CUSTOMERDIRECT | Will print the directions to the customer's house if the check has a customer assigned to it. |
#CUSTOMEREXTENSION | If the check has an associated customer, the extension of the customer's telephone number. |
#CUSTPHONEEXT2 | If the check has an associated customer, the extension of the customer's second telephone number. |
#CUSTPHONEEXT3 | If the check has an associated customer, the extension of the customer's third telephone number. |
#CUSTPHONEEXT4 | If the check has an associated customer, the extension of the customer's fourth telephone number. |
#CUSTPHONEEXT5 | If the check has an associated customer, the extension of the customer's fifth telephone number. |
#CUSTOMERFNAME | Prints the first name of the customer |
#CUSTOMERLNAME | Prints the last name of the customer |
#CUSTOMERMEALCOUNT | If the check has an associated customer, the number of meals the customer has remaining. |
#CUSTOMERNAME | If the check has an associated customer, the customer's name. |
#CUSTOMERNUMBER | Prints the customer number if a customer is associated with a check. |
#CUSTOMERPHONE | If the check has an associated customer, the customer's telephone number. |
#CUSTPHONE2 | If the check has an associated customer, the customer's second telephone number. |
#CUSTPHONE3 | If the check has an associated customer, the customer's third telephone number. |
#CUSTPHONE4 | If the check has an associated customer, the customer's fourth telephone number. |
#CUSTPHONE5 | If the check has an associated customer, the customer's fifth telephone number. |
#CUSTOMERPRICELEVEL | If the check has an associated customer, the customer's price level. |
#CUSTOMERSTADDR1 | If the check has an associated customer, the first line of the customer's street address. |
#CUSTOMERSTADDR2 | If the check has an associated customer, the second line of the customer's street address. |
#CUSTOMERSTATE | If the check has an associated customer, the customer's state. |
#CUSTOMERUSERDATA | If the check has an associated customer, the contents of the customer's user defined data field. |
#CUSTOMERVIPAUTODISCOUNT | If the check has an associated customer with a VIP Auto Discount, the discount name set in Customer Maintenance. |
#CUSTOMERZIP | If the check has an associated customer, the customer's zip. |
#CUTRECEIPT | Cuts the receipt if the printer is equipped to do so. |
#DBLHIGH | Prints the current line double high. |
#DBLWIDE | Prints the current line double wide. |
#DEPTTOTAL | This variable will print the total of items belonging to specified departments. Wildcard characters are supported. For example, #DEPTTOTAL5 would show the total for department 500. |
#DISCTOTAL | Prints the total amount of discounts applied. This line will not be displayed if the discount amount is $0. |
#DRIVERNUMBER | Prints the employee ID of the Driver assigned to the check. |
#EMPFNAME | Prints the First Name of the employee (as defined in Employee Maintenance) who started the sale on the Front End. |
#EMPLINITIAL | Prints the first letter of employee's last name (as defined in Employee Maintenance) for the employee who started the sale on the Front End. |
#EMPNAME | Prints the full name (Last name, First name as defined in Employee Maintenance) of the employee who started the sale on the Front End. |
#EMPNUMBER | Prints the Employee Number (as defined in Employee Maintenance) of the Employee who started the sale on the Front End. |
#EMPTIPS | Prints the total employee tips on the receipt |
#EMPUSERDATA | The contents of the User Data field for the Employee who is currently Signed On. |
#EXTRATEXT | This pseudo-variable will print the text that is defined on Print Check button function. The Print check button function must have option to PRINT EXTRA HEADER TEXT turned on. |
#FREQDINERSTATUS | This variable can be used in conjunction with Frequent Diner Maintenance to print the customers frequent diner information on the receipt. |
#GRATAMT | The dollar amount of the gratuity applied to the current check/sale. |
#HSTIPS | Prints the total house tips on the receipt. The house tips total is based on the House Tips Retain Percentage option, by media, in Media Maintenance. The total for all media types with house tips will be displayed. |
#ISREPRINT | This is used on a receipt header/trailer to tell if the check has been printed previously. If it has, "*** REPRINT ***" will appear in place of the pseudo-variable, otherwise it will print nothing. Note that for this pseudo-variable to work correctly it must be on a line by itself. |
#ITEMCOUNT | The Item Count variable will print the total items. |
#LOYALTYINFO | Displays loyalty information based on the Loyalty Type selected in System Settings > Interfaces > Loyalty. Mercury Loyalty information includes: customer name, phone, email, card number, rating, current points, earned points, and total points. Posiq Loyalty information displays Posiq Loyalty instructions for customers to check their point status. The #LOYALTYINFO pseudo-variable cannot be used with Mobile POS. |
#MAJORGROUPTOTS | Tells you the totals for beer/wine/liquor/food in the sale. |
#MEDIAMEMOS | Prints the memo entered for the media used in the transaction. (As defined in Media Maintenance) |
#ORDERBARCODE | Prints a barcode that uniquely identifies the order chit. This is used in conjunction with a scanner so that an expediter can track the prep time of items, using a POS terminal that is in "Expediter Mode". See Button Maintenance for details. Note that for this pseudo-variable to work correctly it must be on a line by itself. |
#ORDERPRINTEDTIME | The time that the order was sent to an order printer. |
#ORDERTYPE | The Order Type (as defined in System Settings) that is associated with the given sale. |
#OTHERORDERPRNS | The number of other Order Printers that received items when the order was printed. |
#PECHECKBARCODE | Prints check total as a "price embedded" or random weight barcode |
#PMSACCOUNT | The Account specified for a charge posted to a Property Management system. Note that this pseudo-variable should only be used on the PMS Charge Posting Slip (as defined in System Settings). |
#PMSNAME | The person's name associated with the account that was specified for a charge posted to a Property Management system. Note that this pseudo-variable should only be used on the PMS Charge Posting Slip (as defined in System Settings). |
#PMSTIPAMT | The tip amount for a charge posted to a Property Management system. Note that this pseudo-variable should only be used on the PMS Charge Posting Slip (as defined in System Settings). |
#PMSTOTALAMT | The total amount (trans amt + tip amt) for a charge posted to a Property Management system. Note that this pseudo-variable should only be used on the PMS Charge Posting Slip (as defined in System Settings). |
#PMSTRANSAMT | The transaction amount (sale total) for a charge posted to a Property Management system. Note that this pseudo-variable should only be used on the PMS Charge Posting Slip (as defined in System Settings). |
#PREAUTHAMOUNT | Prints preauthorization amount if a preauth has been performed on the current sale |
#PREAUTHRESPONSE | Prints approval code if a preauth has been performed on the current sale. |
#PREAUTHSLIP | Prints preauth slip on check if a preauth has been performed for the current sale |
#PRECARDNAME | Prints the name on the credit card if a preauth has been performed for the current sale. |
#PRECARDNUM | Prints full credit card number if a preauth has been performed for the current sale |
#PREEXPDATE | Prints credit card expiration date if a preauth has been performed for the current sale |
#PRINTCHECK | Prints a standard receipt. |
#PRNDESC | Description of the printer being printed to. For the receipt printer, "Receipt Printer" will be printed, otherwise it is the Order Printer's description as defined in System Devices. |
#PROMISEDDATE | This is the date that the order has been promised for. This is typically used in a takeout situation, and is set via a button with the function "Enter Promised Time" (see Button Maintenance for details.) |
#PROMISEDTIME | This is the time that the order has been promised for. This is typically used in a takeout situation, and is set via a button with the function "Enter Promised Time" (see Button Maintenance for details.) |
#PSUBTOTAL (Philippines only) | Prints an alternate Subtotal line to display VAT Exempt Sales. This pseudo variable is only for FPOS users with the System Country set to Philippines. |
#QRCODE | Single purpose QR code allows the receipt to print a QR code for the line containing the pseudo code that represents the user's URL or text. The user can not retrieve a sale while using this, and the user can only perform programmed text through System Devices, and programming of URLs, personalized text, or a combination of the two to be in the QR code. There is a limit of 128 characters. |
#QUADHIGH | Prints the current line 4 lines high. |
#RECEIPTLOGO | This prints the graphical logo on the receipt. The logo can be burned into the printer's non-volatile memory or can be defined in the registry. This can only be used if the printer supports graphical logos. Users can add up to five different receipt logo/bitmap images via the registry. See Adding Images to Bitmap Receipts for more information. |
#REGISTERNUMBER | Register Number where the check/sale was started. |
#SALEGROSS | Prints the gross total of the sale prior to discounts, coupons, and VAT taxes being applied. |
#SECURECARDNUM | Prints only the first six and last four digits of the credit card number (for credit card transactions only) |
#SECUREPRECARDNUM | Prints card number in a secure format if a preauth has been performed for the current sale |
#SIGNATURE | Prints the last signature that was captured using the signature capture device. Note that this will only work when settling a check with a media that prompts for signature capture and can be printed on the authorization slip. Additionally, the POS terminal's printer must be capable of printing graphics. |
#STARTTERMNUM | Prints the terminal number (see System Devices) of the terminal this check was started at. |
#STORENAME | The Store Name, as defined in System Settings. |
#SUBTOTAL | Total of items |
#SUBTOT+TAX | Prints the subtotal and tax amount and does not subtract coupons, discounts, and vat amounts. |
#SUBTOTx | Enables the subtotal to be multiplied by a given percentage for suggested gratuities. For example, #SUBTOTx.10 would give you 10% of the subtotal. |
#TABLENUMBER | Table number associated with the check/sale. |
#TAXTOTAL | Shows the total amount of tax for a check. |
#TENDERAMTS | Prints a separate line for each currency tendered for a check |
#THICKLINE | Prints a thick line on the receipt |
#THINLINE | Prints a thin line on the receipt |
#TICKETNUMBER | Prints a ticket number on the receipt. Ticket numbering will start at "1" and increment until the day divide. Ticket numbering will reset daily at the Day Divide. |
#TOTALx | Allow the total to be multiplied by a given percentage for suggested gratuities. For example, TOTALx.10 would print 10 percent of the total. |
#TRIPLEHIGH | Prints the current line with text size that is triple high. |
#WEBORDERCOMMENTS | Used with Online Ordering. Displays comments from the end user regarding the order. (For example, "Hold the mustard" or "Need ASAP") |
#WEBORDERINFO | Used with Online Ordering. Prints customer information such as Customer Name, Address, Phone Number, and Email Address. |
#ZONECHARGEAMOUNT | Prints the delivery fee/Zone Charge as a separate line. |