Ingredient Maintenance is used to add and maintain ingredients for associated items. When an item is sold, all ingredients associated with that item decrement appropriately. Inventory information can also be used by Item Maintenance to calculate the cost/recommended sale price and to generate the Reorder Report.
The Ingredient field allows the user to select an existing ingredient to view or modify. The user can also create a new ingredient by selecting New from the drop down.
The Description field contains the description of the ingredient. The name in the Description field is used to name the ingredient upon saving. This is also the name that will be used on the Re-order report.
The Location section indicates where the ingredient is stored. Select an existing location from the drop down menu or enter a new location in the Location Description field.
Quantity in Stock
Enter the quantity breakdown for the ingredient. For example, Guinness comes in cases or six packs. In the quantity fields for Guinness, we would enter Case and 6 Pack. The values entered here will also appear in the Reorder Information section.
The Department that the ingredient is associated with. For example, Appetizers, Beer-Bottled, Salads, etc.
The Vendor drop down allows the user to select a vendor or supplier from the Vendor Maintenance database and attach that vendor/supplier to the ingredient for reordering records.
Unit of Measure
The unit measure option chooses how the ingredient is to be quantified. For example, in grams, ounces, pounds, or individual units.
Units per Package
This information allows the system to quantify inventory by the number of units (grams, ounces, pounds, etc.) in each package.
Packages per Case
This information allows the system to quantify inventory based on the number of packages in each case, then delineate how many units are on hand.
Cost per Unit
The cost of each Gram, Ounce, Pound, or Unit of the ingredient for the store.
Retail per Unit
The sales amount of each Gram, Ounce, Pound, or Unit of the ingredient.
Reorder Information
Reorder Level
When the Quantity in Stock drops below this level, the ingredient will appear on the Reorder Report.
Reorder Quantity
The quantity that will appear on the Reorder Report when the Quantity in Stock drops below the Reorder Level.
Transfer Stock
This function enables the user to transfer an item in stock from one location to another.
Adjust Quantity in Stock
This function allows the user to make adjustment to amount of stock available. Adjustments can be viewed on the Activity Report.
Recalculate Unit Cost
This function allows the user to enter the Cost Per Case (for the store) and automatically calculates the Cost Per Unit.