Department Maintenance allows users to group items for reporting purposes. Users can use name-based or number-based departments, for example, Wine could be configured as Department 200. Users can create up to 500 different departments using Department Maintenance.
The Description field is assigned as the department name and is can be displayed on reports when sorting items.
Major Group
The Major Group designates what larger group the department belongs to. For example lunch, dinner, and condiments departments would belong to the major group Food.
PMS Bucket #
The “bucket” (Food, Beer, Wine or Liquor) that totals from this department will fall into when sent to a Property Management System using the PMS Interface.
Allows the user to send certain departments to a specific VDU. This is often used to sort items ordered between various kitchen prep areas.
Dept is a “Hash Department”
Designates the Department as a “Hash Department." Hash Departments will display on the employee’s Cashout Report, but are not included in the Total Accountable line of the Sales By Range Report or the Cumulative Sales Report.
Designates a date/time availability range for all items in a particular department. During these times, the specified department's items will be available for sale. When a item that is in an unavailable department is selected on the Front End, the "This item is not currently available for sale" dialog will be displayed.
Prompt for Age Verification
Indicates that the system should prompt for age verification when an item from the department is added to the sale on the Front End. This option is often used for alcohol sales.
Is Required
This option allows the user to force data to sync downward from Enterprise to user defined data groups. See Data Group Maintenance to configure data groups.
Qty Multiplier
This option is used in conjunction with Distributor Maintenance and allows the user to specify item units. For example, if the Qty Multiplier is set to 24, when an item from the specified department is sold, it will be displayed as 24 units in the Distributor Report.