The Sales Statistics Report is an employee sales auditing report which can display average check sales, average guest sales, discounts, voids, and tippable sales for the specified dates and times.
Displays a summary of sales information, including the total amount of checks settled, any coupons and discounts applied, and the total tips added to checks, for the date and time period specified.
Employee: The employee who settled the check on the Front End.
Tot Chks: The total amount, not including tax, of all checks settled by the specified employee.
#Chks: The total number of checks settled by the specified employee.
#Gsts: The total number of guests served by the specified employee. This value is based on the number of seats assigned to each check or the customer count entered on the Front End, depending on your Back Office settings.
Avg Chk: The average per check amount of checks settled by the specified employee.
Avg Gst: The average amount spent per guest of the checks settled by the specified employee. This value is based on the number of seats assigned to each check or the customer count entered on the Front End, depending on your Back Office settings.
Avg Mins/Secs: The average check time from opening to settling a check, shown in minutes or seconds depending on the report configurations, by employee.
Coupons: The total amount of coupons applied to transactions settled by the specified employee. See Coupon Maintenance for more information on applying coupons to sales.
Disc's: The total amount of discounts applied to transactions settled by the specified employee. See Discount Maintenance for more information on applying discounts to sales.
Voids: The total amount of voided items. See Void Line Item for more information on voiding an item from a sale on the Front End.
Tippable Sls: The total amount of tippable sales, not including tax, To Go Surcharges, gift card sales, or gratuities, settled by the specified employee. See Item Maintenance > Item is not "Tippable" for more information on configuring tippable items.
Cash Media: The total amount of Cash Media as defined in Settings 1.
Charge Media The total amount of charge sales, including tax, gratuities, and To Go surcharges, settled by the specified employee.
Other Media: The total amount of all medias that are not considered Cash or Charge.
Chg Sales w/Tip: The total amount of charge sales, including tax, gratuities and tips, and To Go Surcharges, settled by the specified employee.
Cash Tips: The total amount of cash tips declared by the specified employee. See Enter Employee Tips for more information on declaring employee tips.
Grats Tips: The total amount of gratuities earned by the employee, in the specified date and time range. If non-tip wage data is present, it will be subtracted from the gratuity amount. See Edit Gratuity Amount for more information on adding a gratuity to a check.
Tot Tips: The total amount of all tips added to checks settled by the specified employee.
Decl %: The percentage of tips declared by the specified employee. See Enter Employee Tips for more information on declaring employee tips.
To Go: The total amount of all To Go sales, not including taxes, surcharges, or gratuities, settled by the specified employee. See To Go for more information on opening a To Go sale.
Totals: The total or average, per column, for all employees.
Users can configure Auto Report Settings by clicking File > Auto Report in the report preview window. For more information, see Auto Reports.