Sales Tax Maintenance allows users to configure up to eight taxes to apply to items. Common taxes include food taxes, beverage taxes, and value added tax (VAT). Items must be flagged in Item Maintenance for the tax to be applied on the Front End.
VAT is an inclusive tax which is calculated as a portion of the total price in order to charge whole dollar amounts. Combining VAT tax with Due Rounding allows the user to sell multiple items and keep the price at a whole dollar amount. Vat Taxes are "Smart" allows VAT tax to be turned off automatically if anything in the sale is not a VAT taxed item.
You can select a tax to modify from the Tax drop down. To create a new Tax, select an available slot.
Enter a brief description or name for your tax. This is the text that will appear in the Tax drop down once the new tax has been saved.
No Tax Under
Enter a minimum sale amount required to add tax to the sale. Amounts less than this amount will not be taxed.
Tax Scheduling
Allows the user to assign different tax types to various time periods. Users can select days of the week and specific start end times for each day. See Tax Scheduling for more information.
Test Tax
Displays a tax table based on the current tax information. See Test Tax for more information.
Tax Calculation Method
Users can select from two tax calculation options. Flat Percentage allows the user to define a Tax Percentage as well as rounding rules. See Edit Tax Percentage for more information on Flat Percentage taxes. Table allows the user to create a tiered tax system that defines tax based on the dollar amount of the sale. See Edit Table Data for more information on Tax Tables.
Flat Percentage
The Edit Percent tax option is used when the tax rate is a constant percentage. Clicking the Edit Percentage button allows the user to enter the Tax Percent and rounding options. Select a Partial Penny Rounding type and then click OK:
Any Remainder Rounds Up
When partial penny amounts are present, the tax total will always be rounded up. For example, both $3.981 and $3.988 would be rounded up to $3.99.
Half Penny Rounds Up
When half pennies or greater are present in the third decimal place, the tax total will be rounded up. For example, $3.955 would be rounded up to $3.96 while $3.954 would be rounded down to $3.95.
Half Penny Rounds Down
When half pennies or less are present in the third decimal place, the tax total will be rounded down. For example, $3.955 would be rounded down to $3.95 while $3.956 would be rounded up to $3.96.
Any Remainder Rounds Down When partial penny amounts are present, the tax total will always be rounded down. For example, both $3.981 and $3.988 would be rounded down to $3.98.
The Table tax option allows the user to define a tax table to use when calculating tax. Click the Edit Table Data button to configure the tax table. Enter the maximum sales amount range in the To column and the tax amount in the Amount column. The From column will populate based on the value entered in the To column of the previous tax range.
Use Alternate Calculation
Future Fusion calculates taxes based on one of two algorithms. If the values are not properly calculating after configuring the tax table (use the Test Tax button to verify calculations), enable the Use Alternate Calculation option and re-test the tax values you configured.
Tax Type
USA (Exclusive)
USA taxes are added after the total sale amount has been calculated.
VAT (Inclusive)
Value Added Taxes are included in the price. VAT is most popular in bars to avoid handling change. For example, a bottled beer is priced at $2.00 and the tax is taken out after the sale is completed.
Add "Odd Pennies" to Tax Amount
Adds any extra pennies to the tax amount in favor of the customer.
Exclude From Displayed Total
When enabled, excludes from the displayed sales total on the Front End.
Include In Alternate Displayed Total
When enabled, the amount will be displayed in the alternate display total on the Front End.
Use Gross Price for VAT
Uses the gross price of the item (prior to discounts, coupons, etc.) when calculating VAT taxes.
Forgive With Smart VAT
Forgives the tax when Smart VAT is enabled in System Devices > General Info 2. Smart VAT applies the Exclusive tax by default, if you have both Inclusive and Exclusive tax on a sale.