The Discounts Report displays discount information including the quantity of items the discount was applied to, the total dollar amount of discounts applied, and any reason codes associated with discounts. The report can be viewed as a basic summary or including discount details.
Displays discounts applied to sales by department and major group.
Department: The department of the item that the discount was applied to.
Major Group: The major group of the item that the discount was applied to.
Discount: The discount type applied as defined in Discount Maintenance.
Qty: The quantity of items discounted from the specified department and major group.
Amount: The total dollar amount of discounts applied to the specified department and major group.
Group Total: The total dollar amount and quantity of discounts listed by major group.
Grand Totals: The total dollar amount and quantity of all discounts for the specified date/time range.
Displays discounts applied by date and time, as well as the discount and reason code summaries.
Date/Time: The date and time that the discount was applied.
Check #: The check number the discount was applied to.
Discount: The discount type as defined in Discount Maintenance.
Reason: The discount reason code as defined in Reason Codes Maintenance.
Amount: The total dollar amount discounted from the sale.
Discount Summary
Reason Code: The reason code associated with the discount. Users will be prompted to enter a reason when selecting the Discount Items button on the Front End.
Qty: The number of items the specified discount was applied to.
Amount: The total dollar amount of discounts applied.
Total: The total quantity and dollar amount of discounts applied.
Reason Code Summary
Reason Code: The reason code associated with the discount. Users will be prompted to enter a reason when selecting the Discount Items button on the Front End.
Qty: The number of discounted items the specified reason code was associated with.
Amount: The total dollar amount of discounted items associated with the specified reason code.
Total: The total quantity and dollar amount of discounted items associated with reason codes.
Users can configure Auto Report Settings by clicking File > Auto Report in the report preview window. For more information, see Auto Reports.