FPOS currently supports UPC-A and EAN-13 barcodes. Price embedded barcodes are not required, but are supported for both the UPC-A and the EAN-13 barcode types. Your barcode scanner will translate the data represented by the barcode into digits that match an item configured in Item Maintenance.
A UPC-A Barcode consists of 12 digits of item specific data represented by bars of varying widths and is typically used in the US and Canada for marking products. The 12 digit barcode is divided into four data sections, explained in greater detail below.
The number system identifies which type of product the barcode is for. This is normally the first number in the code.
The next 5 digits identify the manufacturer of the product.
The Product Code consists of 5 digits and is assigned to each product by the manufacturer. These 5 digits are unique to each item.
The check digit is the last digit of a barcode and is used to verify that all of the information was properly received.
Price Embedded UPC-A Barcodes
Price embedded barcodes contain pricing information for the barcoded item. When items labeled with a price embedded barcode are scanned, the system is able to retrieve the item's price from the information contained in the barcode.
If using price embedded barcodes in conjunction with FPOS, they must use the following format, 20NNNNpPPPPx, where:
- 20 designates a barcode as a price embedded barcode
- NNNN is the unique item number. This is used as the Item UPC number (any leading zeroes are dropped) in Item Maintenance.
- p is the price check digit
- PPPP is the four digit price
- x is the global check digit
EAN-13 is a barcode symbol which uses 13 digits. It used to mark products worldwide. There are two data sections to a EAN-13 barcode, explained in greater detail below.
Price Embedded EAN-13 Barcodes
Price embedded barcodes contain pricing information for the barcoded item. When items labeled with a price embedded barcode are scanned, the system is able to retrieve the item's price from the information contained in the barcode.
If using price embedded barcodes in conjunction with FPOS, they must use the following format, 20IIIISPPPPPC, where:
- 20 designates a barcode as a price embedded barcode
- IIII is the unique item number. This is used as the Item UPC number (any leading zeroes are dropped) in Item Maintenance.
- S is the checksum for price
- PPPPP is the five digit price
- C is the checksum for all numbers