The Movement Report displays item movement/sales information for the date/time range specified, sorted by the quantity, amount, and resolution options selected when configuring the report.
Displays sales totals, by item, sorted by the selected Resolution (Minute, Hour, Day, etc.).
Item/Desc/Dept: The Item Name, Item Description, and Department, as configured in Item Maintenance.
(Resolution): The amount of time (Minute, 15 Minute, Hour, Day Week, Month, or Year) selected in the Resolution drop down in the report configurations window.
Qty: The quantity of items sold during the specified resolution. For Scalable Items, this value will either correspond to Quantity Sold or Weight Sold as selected within the report options window.
Amount: The item's total dollar amount sold in the Resolution time period selected.
Displays the grand total of sales, by item, for the specified date/time range.
Qty: The item's total quantity sold in the specified date/time range.
Amount: The item's total dollar amount sold in the specified date/time range.