The Employee Timecard Report will display the employee’s timecard for the current or previous pay period when the Employee Timecard Register Report button is selected on the Front End.
You will need to finish configuring your button settings. For more information on configuring your button, see Create New Button.
Displays a summary of employee hours by date.
Date: The date of the employee's specified shift (mm/dd).
In: The clock in time of the employee's specified shift.
Job Code: The employee's job code. This will display the employee's home job code by default unless a job code transfer has been performed. Configure employee job codes in Employee Maintenance.
Out: The clock out time of the employee's specified shift.
Hours: The total hours the employee worked in the specified shift.
Total: The total hours the employee has worked in the specified pay period. This value will only include shifts that have both an in time and an out time.
Displays the total hours worked and payrates by job code. This section will only be displayed when the employee has multiple job codes.
TOT HRS: The total hours worked in the specified pay period.
MEAL: The total hours the employee has taken for meal breaks in the specified pay period.
REG HRS: The total hours that will be paid at the Base Rate. To configure the employee's Base Rate, see Payrate Info.
OT HRS: The total hours that will be paid at the OT (Overtime) Rate. To configure the employee's OT Rate, see Payrate Info.
TOTALS: Displays the employee's total hours, meal hours, regular hours, and overtime hours worked from all job codes assigned to the employee.