The Effective Wage Report shows wage statistics for each employee including total hours worked, gross pay, declared tips, and tip pool contributions/distributions. This report should not be used for payroll purposes.
Displays a summary of employee wage statistics, including total hours worked, gross pay, declared tips, tip pool contributions, and tip pool amounts received. Statistics can be sorted by job code, distributions/contributions, grouped by tip pool, or shown as a basic summary (not grouped).
Tot Hrs: The total hours worked for the specified date(s).
Gross Pay: The total gross pay (regular wages+ overtime wages) earned for the specified date(s).
Decl Tips: The total dollar amount of tips declared for the specified date(s).
Tip Pool Cntrb: The total dollar amount contributed to Tip Pool. Tip pool contributions can be configured using Tip Pooling Maintenance.
Tip Pool Rcvd: The total dollar amount received from Tip Pool. Tip pool distributions can be configured using Tip Pooling Maintenance.
Eff Tips: The total dollar amount of tips declared + tip pool distribution - tip pool contribution. Gratuity is included only if House Retains all Gratuities has been enabled in System Settings 1.
Eff Pay: The total effective pay (sum of total wages and net tips). If non-tip wage data is present, it will be added to the Effective Pay total.
Avg Eff Pay: The average effective hourly pay (total effective pay / hours worked).
Totals: The total hours, gross pay, declared tips, tip pool contribution, tip pool received, effective tips, effective pay, and average effective pay for all employees shown. When Grouped by Job Code or Grouped by Distributions/Contributions is selected in the report options, employee totals will be listed by job code.
The Effective Wage Report will use the current time as the "clockout" time for employees who are still clocked in when the report is run.