The Gift Card Reconciliation Report displays gift card reconciliation information including the issuing store, the redemption store, the redemption amount, and any amounts added to the gift card.
Adding the ScanGiftCards registry key to the registry will update gift cards' associated StoreIDs when launching the Enterprise Gift Card Reconciliation Report.
The Enterprise Gift Card Reconciliation Report displays gift card sales and redemption information for store(s) selected when configuring the Gift Card Reconciliation Report.
Issued At: The store that issued the gift card.
Redeemed At: The store that redeemed the gift card.
Redeemed: The dollar amount of the gift card that was redeemed.
Add to GC: The dollar amount that was added to the gift card.
Summary: Displays any amounts owed to other stores. For example, if Store 2 sold a gift card for $12.00 which was redeemed at Store 1 for the full amount, "Store 1 owes Store 2 $12.00" would be listed in the Summary section.