Scale Tares
The Scale Tares tab allows the user to enter the weights of any containers that weighted items will be sold in. This allows the user to charge the customer for only the contents of the tare item (or container). When a tares are configured in the FPOS software and the item being sold is scalable, the Front End will prompt the user to select a tare. This allows the software to subtract the tare weight from the total weight, charging the customer only for the contents of the container/tare.
How to Configure Scale Tares
- Open the Back Office.
- Click the Settings icon.
- Click System Settings.
- Select the System Configuration tab.
- Select the Scale Tares tab.
- In the Tare Description field, list the name of the container to be used as a tare. For example, "1 Quart Container."
- In the Tare Weight field, list the weight of the tare container.
- Enable the Use NY scale descriptionoption to display the extended item name (additional 2 characters) and the unit of measurement, after the item's price. Note that the width of the receipt list box may need to be increased when this option is enabled.
- Disabled: 1 Cheese B 0.95oz@7.49 $7.12
- Enabled: 1 Cheese Bal0.95 oz @ $7.49 / oz $7.12
- Click File > Save.
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